A1 Galleries Uniform Follows Function: Disclaimer - Use

Friday, January 16, 2009

Disclaimer - Use

Uniform Follows Function and its author make no claim to copyright ownership or protection of any of the images contained herein unless expressly stated. All images contained within Uniform Follows Function (unless otherwise expressly stated) have been acquired elsewhere on the web under reasonable presumption of fair use. Images with obvious copyright denotations, even if found on third-party websites or otherwise, have been excluded unless express permission has been granted by the copyright owner; in such cases, thorough written proof of consent will be kept on file.

If you own the copyright to any images seen within this site, please contact the author at adoniscomplexblogs@gmail.com, describing the image in question and date of posting, and state your desired course of action (if desired action is removal, this will be done immediately; alternatively, the author may request permission to display the image with full copyright and authorship designation and will consider additional conditions as applicable).

-David Salter
Author, Uniform Follows Function
Updated November 16, 2009
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